I love introducing a new product to our little shop! Thank you for the hearty welcome for our new Luxury Vegan Pom-Poms! These poms are like nothing I have ever seen before. Honestly, these are a total treat. They are big, soft, and truly luxurious. The poms are attached with two ribbons that are run through the top of the hat and tied securely on the inside. So that makes them easily removable. You will just love topping of your beautiful hand-knit hats with the Luxury Vegan Poms.
We have 11 new colors, lots of natural shades and a few more colorful shades. The quality of the faux-fur is beyond high and the construction is top-notch. I can’t stress enough how wonderful these are to hold and wear.
A quick tip for attaching the larger vegan poms, when sending the ribbon through over the gathered hole make sure the two ribbons are entering at a good inch to inch and a half apart. This will secure and balance the pom so it isn’t so floppy on the top of the hat.