The Long Weekend

Hi, Knitters,
Even when the weekend isn't officially long I like to make it long by including Friday in the making. What are you up to this weekend? I will be finishing my Sonora shawl and then I'll get to blocking it next week. I will share the process with you.
I will be spending some time with a new "uncorrected proof" preview copy of an unpublished book by none other than Clara Parkes. Clara is one of my favorite wool experts and knitters in the industry and I have a bit of a vested interest, let's say, in her upcoming book called, A Stash of One's Own. I'm pretty excited about it. I can't say much more about it at this point but I can say that the book is really good and it includes some incredibly interesting contributors.
The book is now available for pre-order on Amazon and it will be published this coming fall. Click here to find out more about Clara's new book! (To clarify, this isn't an affiliate link.)
Have a great looong weekend ahead. Sending much love to you.
xo ~ susan