New Twist for Home Fingering Weight!

Hi, Knitters,
We are so excited about our new colors in our Home lines of yarn. We have 10 gorgeous glowing new shades from which to choose along with our original 16 colors. So with 25 colors in Home Fingering and Worsted Weight there are more choices and combinations than ever!
The other new and exciting twist is exactly that. We now have a new and slightly tighter twist on our 4-ply Home Fingering Weight yarn and we are just thrilled with the results. The yardage is about the same per skein so the only thing that has changed is the twist which makes the yarn a little crisper and tighter. I love the new version of our Home Fingering Weight and hope that you do, too.
We still have some colors with the original twist in the shop and just in case you are wondering you can use the two yarns together and it isn't a problem at all combining the different twists.
Enjoy all the options around here.
xo ~ susan